Iraqi victims of terrorism, are facing ongoing discrimination in the United Kingdom, due to the British Government having no clear country guidelines, when dealing with Asylum Seekers who have fled from ISIS.
Asylum laws in the UK do not distinguish between Iraqi Yazidi's, Iraqi Christians and other's in the Asylum process. Suffering as a result of terrorism and genocide, is going unrecognised on Asylum applications in Britain.
The UK already has a sizeable Iraqi community, which was estimated in 2011, by the Iraqi Embassy and International Organisation of Migration, as being between 350,000–450,000 people.
Despite cities like Manchester having a known 18.000 Iraqi's, like many council's across the United Kingdom; Manchester doesn't have any policies relating to Iraqi victims of terrorism, or policies relating to Iraqi families who are surviving terrorism.
In July 2016, the Iraq Solidarity Campaign stood in vigil with the Iraqi community in Manchester, to mourn the loss of loved ones in the Karrada terror attack. This saw over 341 people murdered and over 225 people facing injuries, as a result of ISIS.
To mark the International Day of Remembrance and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism, we would like to encourage Britain's Home Office and local authorities; to update their guidelines and support those in Britain, who are currently suffering in silence.