Yazidi families welcome Armidale to remember massacre at service

Four years ago, thousands of people were killed in the Yazidi Massacre in northern Iraq. Thousands more fled for their lives. 

Twenty-two Yazidi families moved to Armidale in New South Wales since February, as part of an intake of refugees, and they have organised a remembrance ceremony for the people who died in early August 2014, and they’re encouraging the community to attend. 

Jeff Siegel, a volunteer with Armidale Sanctuary which has helped the families settle into the city, said they got together to run the event and he said it was a chance for them to meet the community, and for people to learn more about them. 

“It’s the first event that they’ve organised by themselves - they’re paying for it themselves - and that’s why they’re keen to have people participate,” Mr Siegel said. He said they formed an organising committee and with the help of Settlement Services International and Armidale Sanctuary, they’ve hired the hall and they are making all the arrangements. 

“It’s an opportunity for Armidale residents to learn more about the Yazidi community, and their background and the reasons why they’ve come to Armidale,” he said. “The persecution is almost certainly the worst genocide of this century, and I think a lot of people don’t understand why people would leave their own country. 

“A lot of people don’t realise what refugees are running away from. These people are running for their lives.” There will be a candle-lighting ceremony at Friday’s service, which is expected to run for about 90 minutes. 

“They really want to integrate into the community and get to know people. Although they don’t know much English, they’re going to TAFE and the kids are going to school. “Their English is picking up quickly, but it has been difficult working out how to meet people, and they think this might be a really good way of doing it.” 

He said it demonstrated how eager the Yazidi families were to become part of the Armidale community. “I think they’re going to be fantastic members of our community as soon as they are able to learn English and get jobs,” Mr Siegel said. 

The Fourth Anniversary of the Yazidi Massacre will be held on Friday 3rd August, 4pm-5.30pm. It is  being held at Armidale City Church Hall, at 68A Markham Street, New South Wales in Austalia. 

by Laurie Bullock


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