Jump on board for the Iraqi Children Foundation's buses of hope

The Iraqi Children Foundation have some news! Their third Hope Bus has opened ahead of schedule, and they have a whole new group of children enrolled. The ICF's Hope Buses travel around Baghdad, providing education and social services to some of Iraq's most vulnerable kids.

In this interview, Hussein Al-alak speaks to Liz McRae of the Iraqi Children Foundation and learns more about the ICF's Hope Buses. He also finds out what the Hope Buses mean to Iraq's most vulnerable children and how people around the world can show them support. 

What is your name and can you tell us more about the Iraqi Children Foundation? 

My name is Liz McRae, and I am the Executive Director of Iraqi Children Foundation. The Iraqi Children Foundation (ICF) intervenes in the lives of orphans and street children who are vulnerable to abuse, neglect, and exploitation by criminals, traffickers and extremists. 

The organization was set up ten years ago by Americans who saw the need to help rebuild Iraq after so many years of conflict. More than 800,000 children were orphaned as a result of the Iraq War, and the ISIS occupation displaced another 1.3 million. Our vision is that all children in Iraq have a voice and are empowered to reach their full potential. All our programs have this goal in mind. 

What are the ICF's Hope Buses and how do they help Iraqi children? 

We help vulnerable children through programs like "The Hope Buses"; we convert used city buses into colorful, child friendly classrooms. Each bus has two teachers and a social worker, and serves around 50 children with tutoring, nutrition, health care, social services, practical life lessons, community, and fun. 

How will a third Hope Bus benefit Iraqi children? 

Earlier this year, I visited our Hope Buses in Baghdad. Something that stood out to me when visiting our projects was how happy and comfortable the children are when they are at the Hope Bus. The staff are so kind and caring, and the children are all looking healthy and content. 

The hardest thing to see was the number of children waiting outside the Hope Buses and peering inside, wishing that they could join in the fun and learning. Now, they don't have to wait anymore! Those children waiting will now have an opportunity to attend the Hope Buses and receive the critical support they need. 

How can people get involved and support the Iraqi Children Foundation? 

If you want to fundraise for the ICF, please email liz@iraqichildren.org to learn more. 

Help spread the word and follow us on social media. You can join @iraqichildren on Twitter and Iraqi Children Foundation on Facebook. 

Please donate any amount as this can make a huge difference in the lives of Iraqi kids. Check out https://www.iraqichildren.org/donate and find out more.


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