Iraq campaigners help resurrect the Nineveh Plains

On the 6th August 2018, Father Martin Banni led a mass and vigil in Baghdad, to mark the 4th anniversary of ISIS forcing Christians, to flee their towns in Iraq's Nineveh Plains. 

On the night of the 6/7th August 2014, Father Martin Banni got the Blessed Sacrament to safety, as he fled Karemles, as so-called Islamic State were fast approaching. 

Father Martin’s return to Karemles in spring 2017, came amid plans involving Aid to the Church in Need, to enable Iraqi Christians to return home to the Nineveh Plains. 

Upon his return, Father Martin “was the first priest to bless the people in the church in my village in northern Iraq”. Fr Martin is also part of ACN's ongoing relief efforts, for 120,000 displaced Iraqi Christians. 

The Iraq Solidarity Campaign supports Father Martin Banni and Aid to the Church in Need, who in cooperation with the Church in Iraq, established the Nineveh Reconstruction Committee in March 2017. 

We share ACN's aims: "To enable Iraqi Christians who wish to return home to villages in the Nineveh Plains, where they have lived for centuries, and to do so in dignity, safety, as well as security." 

If you wish to support Father Martin Banni and the ongoing relief efforts inside of Iraq, please get involved or make an affordable donation to Aid to the Church in Need's work across Iraq.


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