While many non-Iraqi’s have welcomed the return of Muqtada Al-Sadr back from his self imposed "exile" in Iran, for those who can see beyond his phrases of "peace" and "resistance", it’s a shame that I have to gatecrash the cheerleaders party, by being the bearer of real news.
I can understand that some in Britain do like to cheer on behalf of the four horseman of the apocalypse but it is clear, that its ok to cheer as long as the proverbial s**t doesn’t land on the door step back home in Britain, but it never will while Al- Sadr’s anti-US rhetoric is placed in higher prominence than his declaration of wanting to "eradicate" the "depravity" of Iraq’s LGBT community.
Equally as unimpressive to grace the British media, is the fact that Al-Sadr’s Mehdi Army, in areas such as Basra, have imposed a ban on such deviant behaviour like listening to music or worse still, having a non religious ringtone gracing the ears of a member of this Iranian trained clerics, cheap imitation of Hitler’s brown shirts.
Nothing is more offensive to Al-Sadr either, than the sight of men wearing shorts, where his issue of a Fatwa in 2005 banning such garments, resulted in the murder of a coach and two members of Iraq’s national tennis team, while a further Fatwa denounced football as "evil" and "sacrilegious", with sports in general described by Al-Sadr’s Mehdi Army, as being part of an "Israeli conspiracy".
While some may be impressed with phrases like "We are still resisters and we are still resisting the occupier", for many Iraqi’s, they have been left unimpressed with such slogans, opting instead to describe the occupations Vichy, by their "moustaches" and "long beards", or as Iraqi residents call them "the Taliban Amarah."
So while some may welcome the description which Al-Sadr provides, of the US and UK being the "common enemy", it needs to be remembered that he and his band of marionettes’, were only ever given their job of "forming a government", in the presence of an ongoing occupation.
Sorry to ruin the party.
by Hussein Al-alak, The Iraq Solidarity Campaign
I can understand that some in Britain do like to cheer on behalf of the four horseman of the apocalypse but it is clear, that its ok to cheer as long as the proverbial s**t doesn’t land on the door step back home in Britain, but it never will while Al- Sadr’s anti-US rhetoric is placed in higher prominence than his declaration of wanting to "eradicate" the "depravity" of Iraq’s LGBT community.
Equally as unimpressive to grace the British media, is the fact that Al-Sadr’s Mehdi Army, in areas such as Basra, have imposed a ban on such deviant behaviour like listening to music or worse still, having a non religious ringtone gracing the ears of a member of this Iranian trained clerics, cheap imitation of Hitler’s brown shirts.
Nothing is more offensive to Al-Sadr either, than the sight of men wearing shorts, where his issue of a Fatwa in 2005 banning such garments, resulted in the murder of a coach and two members of Iraq’s national tennis team, while a further Fatwa denounced football as "evil" and "sacrilegious", with sports in general described by Al-Sadr’s Mehdi Army, as being part of an "Israeli conspiracy".
While some may be impressed with phrases like "We are still resisters and we are still resisting the occupier", for many Iraqi’s, they have been left unimpressed with such slogans, opting instead to describe the occupations Vichy, by their "moustaches" and "long beards", or as Iraqi residents call them "the Taliban Amarah."
So while some may welcome the description which Al-Sadr provides, of the US and UK being the "common enemy", it needs to be remembered that he and his band of marionettes’, were only ever given their job of "forming a government", in the presence of an ongoing occupation.
Sorry to ruin the party.
by Hussein Al-alak, The Iraq Solidarity Campaign