July is Disability Pride Month. Will you show your solidarity?

Disability Pride initially started as a day of celebration back in 1990 and was held in Boston. This is the same year that the Americans with Disabilities Act was signed. 

Disability Pride Month is a chance to kickstart conversations about disabled peoples experiences and histories, along with confronting the societal issues that disabled people still face. 

According to the Iraqi Ministry of Health, approximately 6 million people - around 15% of Iraq’s population - now live with a disability. According to UNICEF, explosive remnants of war were also the leading cause of child casualties in Syria throughout 2021. 

Just this year, the International Committee of the Red Cross in Iraq opened a physical rehabilitation centre in the Kurdistan Region’s capital of Erbil. The centre provides physiotherapy, counselling for families, and a workshop for making prosthetics. 

In addition to treatment, the ICRC is providing further support for those with disabilities by offering guidance, mental health support and where appropriate, service users are also being provided with financial grants to start small businesses.


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