Iraqi artist brings his gift to the people

In the heart of Iraq, a local artist is captivating the public with his incredible street drawings. With nothing more than his hands, chalk, and a creative vision, this talented individual transforms people in the streets into stunning works of art that leave passersby in awe.

His unique art is not found in galleries or exhibitions. Instead, he brings his craft directly to the people, often sitting on street in public squares and sketching portraits of random pedestrians who are both delighted and surprised by his spontaneous offer. In just a matter of minutes, the artist transforms a blank sheet of paper into a strikingly accurate depiction of the person sitting in front of him. 

As Bader Al-Sammarraie explains, in the hustle and bustle of Baghdad, this artist has found a way to bring art to the people and, in doing so, has captured the hearts of all who cross his path.

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