It’s great news from Wood Street Mission and the Books Forever Appeal! Over 8,000 children’s books have been donated so far and amongst them are the stories of Winnipeg the Bear -aka the real life Winnie The Pooh- and the Canadian veterinarian Harry D. Colebourn.
We're positive that books like these will inspire Manchester’s young people to read and with more WSM Book Roadshows planned in the city’s schools, Wood Street Mission are still in need of brand new or good condition pre-loved books for children and young people.
In 2022, WSM distributed over 20,500 books to disadvantaged young people across Manchester and thanks to support from the public, it’s brilliant that each child gets to take home 5 books to keep. Through such acts of kindness, you are helping to overcome barriers that children in low-income families face.
Did you know that donating to Wood Street Mission’s ‘Books Forever Appeal’ couldn’t be easier? You can drop off a book in person or have it delivered direct to the Wood Street Mission, 26 Wood Street, Manchester, M3 3EF, The UK.