“It's nice having a bear about the house.”

The Wood Street Mission’s Books Forever project runs throughout the year, collecting donations of books and distributing them through their Family Basics programme and Book Roadshows. WSM organise Book Roadshows within Manchester’s schools and throughout the year, Wood Street Mission distribute free books to children, so they can choose the books that they want to read, and take them home and keep. 

Families on low incomes can often struggle to afford new books or may not live near libraries, so the Wood Street Mission’s Books Forever project brings books closer to these children. Thanks to you, children get to take home books of their own, with the Wood Street Mission also inspiring a love of reading by encouraging families to read together and helping to improve overall literacy skills. 

Donating new books couldn’t be easier and you can drop them off at Wood Street or have them delivered from your preferred retailer to Wood Street Mission - Books Forever, 26 Wood Street, Manchester, M3 3EF.


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