It's not how much we give but how much love we put into giving

As Christmas approaches, people are looking to the Middle East and in particular at Bethlehem, which is symbolic because it is the location where the three wise men witnessed the miraculous virgin birth of Christ. In Arabic, the word Bethlehem is pronounced as Bayt Laḥm (House of Meat) while in Hebrew it's described as Bet Leḥem (House of Bread). 

To mark this festive season, Aid to the Church in Need's Christmas catalogue have a number of unique and affordable gifts, which will allow you to bring the historic birth of Christ into your home. From across the Middle East, where the three wise men travelled, the aroma of frankincense invokes the birth of Jesus and is one of the precious gifts given by the wise men in Bethlehem. 

Author Serena Fass follows the footsteps of the three wise men, known as the Magi, who came to worship the infant Jesus. Questions are often asked, who were they? Where did they come from and why did they travel to Bethlehem? These have now been addressed in The Magi: their journey & their contemporaries, which has been written with the help of Zoroastrian, Jewish and Christian academics. 

From Aleppo in Syria, Aid to the Church in Need have commissioned these hand-made crochet angels, which as decorations can hang from your Christmas tree each year. The crochet angels can decorate your tree along with these beautiful handstitched crochet bells, which are also made in Syria and are symbolic of the Church bells that ring out each Christmas morning. 

Simple in design and profound in its significance, this rosary is handcrafted from olive wood by Christian families in the Holy Land. Equally symbolic and made in the Holy Land are these hand-made olive wood crucifixes, which will make the ideal gift for a loved one. Also touching are these small crucifixes, which come with an attached cord to make a distinctive necklace. 

Like the journey of the three wise men to Bethlehem, these gifts have made the journey from the Middle East to the United Kingdom. They will engage your senses, serve as fantastic conversation pieces and thanks to Aid to the Church in Need, will also link you closer to the regions Christian community. As a Christmas gift, one of these will definitely be a thoughtful gesture to a good friend or close family member.


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