Cochrane runners lace up to help Iraqi women embrace sport

The annual New Year’s Eve fundraising run in Cochrane once again raised thousands of dollars for the less fortunate on Monday. 

A series of races ranging from a full marathon to a two-kilometre fun run for kids brought in $3,000 that will go towards an international organization that is helping young Iraqi women enjoy the benefits of sport. 

The ninth annual event, which is the brainchild of local running legend Martin Parnell, attracted about 100 hardy runners who braved the -10 C weather after donating to the global charity Free To Run. 

Parnell, who ran the full marathon distance along with a dozen other runners, said though chilly the conditions were infinitely better than the previous year when the mercury plunged to -30 C. 

“It was a little colder than we had expected but compared to last year it was a blessing — at least when I marked the route this year my spray can didn’t freeze solid,” said Parnell, who once ran 250 marathons in a single year as part of his renowned charity fundraising. 

He is still hoping to hit the initial target of raising $6,500 by the end of January with some online donations still to arrive alongside a planned appeal push over the next few weeks. “We still have a little ways to go so I’m going to be making an appeal and keep things going until the end of January,” he said. 

Since starting the New Year’s Eve charity run, Parnell has raised more than $60,000 for a variety of programs both in Canada and abroad. The last two years, participants have donated to a similar Right To Run project helping young women in Afghanistan but this year the focus is on Iraq. 

“This is the third one that I am doing for Free To Run and their mission is to support girls in conflict through sport. Last year and the year before the money went to allow these young women and girls in Afghanistan to try different sports. For example last year we raised enough to set up an ice rink and they were skating and playing hockey,” said Parnell. 

“It was an opportunity for women and girls in a country like Afghanistan, which is very conservative, to try stuff that is often looked down on by many of the men there from the cultural point of view. This year we are supporting a new program that Free To Run has set up for women and girls in Iraq,” he added. 

Free To Run put together a team of 20 young females between the ages of 15 and 25 from diverse religious and ethnic backgrounds to take part in running events. Some of those chosen were from living in various refugee camps. 

Next year will be the tenth and final Cochrane New Year’s Eve event that Parnell will be involved in. He is not sure what he will take on after that milestone is achieved. “In all of the nine years so far we have never had an event in which the weather was above zero. I added up all the temperatures over those actual race days and the total came out at -137 C.” 

“So after the tenth and final one I don’t know what we are going to do, but I know one thing, it won’t be in the winter,” added Parnell. Anyone wishing to make an on-line donation can do so until the end of the month at 

by Chris Nelson

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