#AMARInsights: Mosul clinic set to open doors

Work is now complete on AMAR’s Bazwaya Primary Health Care Centre on the outskirts of Mosul. When it opens later this month, the clinic will provide vital healthcare to approximately 15,000 people within the immediate catchment area. 

It will become the fifth AMAR clinic to open in the Kurdish region of Northern Iraq. Once a multi-faith community, thousands fled Bazwaya to escape the ISIS invasion three and a half years ago. 

Now, families returning to their old homes to rebuild their lives must do so from the rubble left by three years of conflict. They will have few resources and face an increasing threat of disease and infection. As a result of a fantastic fundraising effort by our supporters, AMAR commissioned the rehabilitation of the existing, heavily damaged, government clinic. 

It is now fully equipped and locally-hired medical staff will support a range of units providing vaccinations, ultrasound, a gynaecology department, dental services, maternal and child care, a malnutrition unit, a GP service and a laboratory. 

Following our model of locally-led development, Women Health Volunteers and Community Based Workers have been appointed to promote health awareness within Bazwaya and surrounding villages. 

The campaign includes daily visits to local families and regular lectures encouraging both physical and mental health education. Our volunteers will also play a pivotal role in the Escaping Darkness programme which provides psycho-social care for women and girls kidnapped by ISIS.

by Rachel Addison


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