Revolution Iraq

Our fellow compatriots in our bleeding Iraq, your brothers have gathered in this place and have resolved to change the corrupt reality that has got to a point of being quite intolerable; for murder, forced displacement, detention, plunder of public monies, and hunger and starvation have become permanent fixtures of our lives.

Our salvation and that of our children and of future generations will not be achieved unless the American Occupation and the present political system that is based on sectarian and ethnic quotas that was created by the Occupation and adopted by the Green Zone politicians. They have proved on each successive day, that they have not come to serve Iraq as they had misled the nation, but that they had come to serve the their own personal interests.


"God does not change people, unless they change themselves."

Our heroic Iraqi compatriots, we will sleep on the soil of Iraq, here in the throbbing heart of Baghdad, and keep Vigil peacefully, day and night until all our demands are implemented, some of which, at the present time are:

1- Fighting corruption and the presentation of those plunderers of public monies to the courts of justice.

2- Provision of the complete list all the basic consumer items coupons and immediate improvement of services.

3- The release of all detainees who have not had any crimes proven against them and the immediate disclosure of secret prisons.

4- Provision of job opportunities for young people.

5- The enactment of an immediate law for the care of millions of orphans and widows and the increase in pensions.

These are our preliminary demands, which, should they not be met, then would be approached differently by those holding the Vigil.

We appeal to our pure Iraqi Youth to join the march for national demands that is based on pure independent patriotic grounds and the confirmation of the building of Iraq and of the preservation of Iraq’s unity and of the dignity of the Iraqi People, without any sectarian or partisan affiliations and associations.

Our primary goal is to change the dire situation faced by Iraq, We urge our fellow youth to join the Iraqi Liberation March, by joining us, or by organizing sit-ins in their present areas.

God and Iraq are our intent.

Popular Movement to Save Iraq.

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kaldoon said…
That what is iraqi people looking for